Saturday, June 20, 2020

An encouragement from Shaykh al-'Uthaymeen (rahimahu Allaahu ta'aalaa) to study the Arabic language

Posted 4/13/08

An encouragement from Shaykh al-'Uthaymeen (rahimahu Allaahu ta'aalaa) to study the Arabic language
In the name of Allaah the Most Merciful the Bestower of Mercy, All praises are for Allaah Lord of all the 'Aalameen (mankind, jinn all that exists), and peace & blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad, and on his family, and all of his Companions.

To proceed:
Verily the study of the science of an-Nahwu (Arabic grammar) is a noble science, a science of attainment, it is a means that brings one to obtain two important matters:
The first is understanding the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam for verily many of those who undrstand them both or the understanding of many regarding them both hesitate when it comes to the knowledge of Arabic grammar.
The second is to establish the tongue upon the tongue of the Arabs that which is the speech of Allaah azza wa jalla or that which has been revealed in the speech of Allaah Mighty & Majestic so due to that the knowledge of Arabic grammar is very important, but grammar at first difficult but towards the end becomes easy. And we bring an example of a house fashioned from sugar cane, its door being made of steel. Meaning, it will be difficult to enter but once one has entered it everything after that is easy so for this reason it is befitting for a person to strive upon learning the basics until the rest becomes easy for him. The one who says, "Verily Arabic grammar is hard" Deserves no attention. Even to the point that the student actually imagines that he cannot master it and this is not correct, but focus on the first part and the rest will become easy. The is one who once said: "Arabic grammar is difficult its steps are long, when the one who does not understand it becomes proficient in it he desires to express himself in Arabic only to sound like the 'Ajamee (non-arab)."

And this is not correct, we do not agree with this. Rather we say inshaa'Allaah (Allaah willing) Arabic grammar is easy and its steps are short its ascending is easy from the very beginning you will start to understand it.

(Taken from the Introduction of his explanation to al-Aajuroomiyyah pages 5-6)

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